Coaching is growth. Growth is non-linear and moreover distinctly different for each individual. There can even be great difference in the requirements one person will have from one subject to the next. In coaching, more than anything, "One size does NOT fit all"!! For that reason, flexibility is key in any coaching commitment. NLP and Therapeutic Art life coaching techniques are available throughout all my coaching commitments. As are the use of Ho'oponopono and the option to include energy healing & clearing, Law of Attraction (resonance) teachings, visualization techniques and more. Which will be used, will be mainly up to you. Together we will find the perfect mix that works for you. After all, our sessions are all about you!
Every coaching commitment will start with a thorough intake, consisting of a questionaire and a call. The call could range anywhere
from 15 minutes to one hour. Below are the three coaching packages I offer. Alternative packages can be offered, tailored to our joint prognoses.
Individual sessions are of course possible and can be added onto existing packages, or booked as singular sessions.
In my coaching sessions, I work with Zoom, Skype, Messenger voicecall and regular E-mail
Click HERE to request more information,
2 Month Regular Package
- Once a week ± 30 minutes phone session (a total of eight sessions)
- Two x (once a month) ± 40 minutes skype/zoom video call
- Twice weekly email support
- Two x ± 30 minutes wrap-up phone session
2 Month Intensive Package
- Two x a week ± 30 minutes phone session (a total of 16 sessions)
- Two x (once a month) ± 40 minutes skype/zoom video call
- Daily (if needed) email support
- One x ± 30 minutes wrap-up phone session
+ One month extended free email support
+ additional meditation guidance
Continual Coaching
(year plan)
- Three ± 30 minutes phone session per month
- One ± 40 minutes skype/zoom video call per month
- One x per 2 months ± 40 minutes additional evaluation skype/zoom video call (redirecting/adjusting)
- One x per six months ± 40 minutes reconfiguration session skype/zoom video call (re-evaluation & re-setting)
- One x yearly ± 60 to 80 minutes evaluation skype/zoom video call (total evaluation & eventual follow-up)
- One x ± 30 minutes wrap-up phone call upon ending of coaching
+ First offering on workshops, (free) downloads, etc.
+ two months extended free email support
I work by combining:
- Science backed methods
- Intuition
- Spiritual practices/teachings
- Implementation of Law of Attraction (resonance) teachings
- Meditation and visualization (yes, those are two completely different things)
- Energy work
- Therapeutic art
Not all qualities will always be used in every case, but all are available. Your sessions will be tailored specifically to you and your situation.
More to follow